为什么是本尼迪克特工程? 工程项目的好处

The School of 工程 offers excellent education, caring professors, and outstanding classmates. 看看我们是如何为你的工程生涯做准备的 许多优秀的公司,了解我们的使命,看看现在的学生对我们的项目有什么看法.


通过获得机械工程学位, 土木工程, 化学工程, 电气工程, 你将成长为一名完全称职的工程师, 通过严格的课堂教学和亲身体验. 你 will develop a full understanding of general engineering principles as well as those of your specified discipline and will be well prepared to become a leader in the workforce.

通过获得本尼迪克特学院的工程学位, you will possess a degree in one of the engineering fields with the most job opportunities, while also being prepared to transition (like many engineers do) into more specialized engineering disciplines, 比如航空航天工程, 生物工程, 计算机工程, 石油工程. 作为一个机械工程专业的学生, 你将获得热力学方面的指导, 流体力学, 动力学, 材料科学, 系统动力学与控制, 机械工程设计, 所有这些构成了航空航天工程的基础. Students engaged in Mechanical 工程 or 化学工程 study chemistry, 材料科学, 流体力学, 无论是机械工程设计还是化工工艺设计, 为他们从事生物工程工作做准备. Electrical 工程 and Computer Science students are qualified to work in 计算机工程 through instruction in circuit analysis, 数字电子技术, 以及计算机在工程中的太阳城官网, 或者数据库系统, 操作系统和网络, 软件工程. 化学工程 and Mechanical 工程 students are equipped to work in Petroleum 工程, 这是学习化学的结果, 有机化学, 以及化工厂设计, 或者机械工程设计. 如果你对某一专业的工程领域感兴趣, the electives taken as part of your engineering degree can be targeted towards your interests.


The mission of the 本笃会的大学 School of 工程 is to provide multidisciplinary undergraduate engineering education built on an authentically Catholic liberal arts foundation. 该计划的毕业生将成为优秀的解决问题的专业人士, 致力于最高的道德标准, 以及熟练的沟通者. 他们将了解工程作为一种职业的角色和他们的责任, 作为工程师, 促进社会的共同利益.


“Being an engineer at 本笃会的大学 is a great opportunity to get hands on experience through projects and design labs. 这里提供的机会是独一无二的, 我已经为进入工程行业做好了充分的准备.”

——Jake Thies,机械工程专业,2019级

“作为一名工程专业的学生,我感到非常振奋. 这让我可以和有相似好恶的人在一起, 校园里总是有新的机会让你在信仰中成长. 因为班级规模相对较小, teachers are able to easily answer student questions and build amicable relationships.”


 “Studying engineering at 本笃会的大学 combines small class sizes with real world, 实践项目. 这给了我一个更快更深入学习的机会. 也, 由于本尼迪克特大学文科基金会的性质, 我接受了包括历史在内的全面教育, 哲学, 神学, 而且课程也比我在STEM专业预期的要多.”

——Jeanne-Marie Potthast,电气工程专业,2018级

 “作为一名BC工程专业的学生是具有挑战性的. 你的老师有很高的期望,因为他们想看到你成功. 这需要很多牺牲, 但为了让你按照上帝的旨意为社区服务,这是值得的.”


 “本尼迪克特大学的工程不仅仅是太阳城官网数学和科学. 它包含了整个人. I have been able to get involved with the BC 工程 任务 trip the past two years. 还有每年10天的国外之旅, the team designs an engineering project to help a community in a developing community. 在过去的几年里,这个团队设计并建造了一个温室, 蓄水系统, 社区中心的屋顶, 还有其他一些项目.”

——Kienan McIntee,机械工程专业,2019级

 “作为一名本尼迪克特大学的工程系学生, I get to walk into a professor’s office and get assistance with homework or projects, 这在公立大学是学不到的. 气氛是非常欢迎和温暖, 但在这里最棒的是天主教信仰的活力. It’s a blessing to study in the science field while simultaneously being immersed in Benedictine hospitality.”


 “Being an engineering student at 本笃会的大学 might be time-consuming and challenging, 但更值得的是. 工程专业帮助我成为了一个更好的学生, 这提高了我的整体职业道德, 我学到了很多. The 工程 Department does a great job of offering fun and practical projects both in and outside of class, 我也建立了很好的友谊.”


 “作为一名BC大学工程系的学生, I have had countless opportunities to interact with incredibly helpful professors who display an authentic interest in my education and future success in the engineering field. 具体地说, I have discovered the versatility of the civil engineering major…making the decision process for which type of career within civil engineering I want to pursue much easier. 最重要的是, 我有机会学习哲学, 神学, and other various liberal arts courses which most engineering specific schools do not offer and which can certainly be applied to the engineering profession, 比如道德.”


“作为一名本尼迪克特学院工程系的学生, I am challenged every day by my professors and peers to become a better version of myself both inside and outside of the classroom. Taking advantage of the unique opportunity to study engineering at a liberal arts college surrounded by an authentically Catholic community has been one of the best decisions of my life.”

——Ryan Spellman,化学工程,2018届毕业生

 “作为一名BC工程专业的学生, 我有能力帮助组建这个项目, 为未来学生的成功塑造它. 也, 教师们有兴趣了解他们的学生, even going so far as to ask for feedback and constructive criticism of their teaching.”

——Matthew Krishnan Myjak,电气工程,2020级

 “There is a community here between the professors and students that doesn’t happen at larger schools. 文科教育绝对可以让你成为一个更全面的人.”


“I would recommend 本笃会的大学 because of a devoted 工程 Department faculty. I can’t even tell you how many hours I’ve spent over the years speaking one-on-one with professors who are all earnestly invested in my education.”


“The smaller class sizes at Benedictine allow for a more personal interaction between students and teachers, which makes it easy for me to get help with something I don’t completely understand”


“The dual-degree from 本笃会的大学 and the University of North Dakota allows you to get a full background in all 工程 principles while still being involved in a great community here at 本笃会的大学.”

——Darren Wellbrock,机械工程,2013届毕业生

“I am taking more lab classes than my engineering friends at other schools and spending much more time interacting with my professors on schoolwork as well as extracurricular projects. 程序的小尺寸是一个巨大的优势.”



你们可能知道, 本尼迪克特学院为学生提供了在佛罗伦萨留学的绝佳机会, 意大利. But what you may be wondering is whether engineering majors can participate in this unique experience? 简言之,答案是肯定的! Many students focus on fulfilling core requirements during their Florence semester, 并且经常参加在线工程课程来跟上他们的专业. 你, 太, will have the amazing opportunity to spend a semester abroad as a 本笃会的大学 engineering student!

“从我自己的经验来看,这些困难绝对是值得的. 尤其是作为一名土木工程专业的学生, 我喜欢沉浸在意大利文化中——那里的建筑令人惊叹!”


“As an engineering major in the Florence program, I realized how much I love what I study. 我甚至错过了做实验报告. 我不敢相信我打了这个,但这是真的. 我上了一学期的动态在线课程,以保持正轨. 这并不是我最初想象的那种琐事. 相反,它让我精神焕发,让我想起了家. There is something so specific and tangible that I treasure in my science and math classes. 我确实需要约束自己,在空闲时间做一些计划, 但谁会说这些不是很好的练习技能呢? +, I had the opportunity to focus intensely on that subject because I wasn’t taking four other overlapping engineering courses.”

——Monica Swingle,化学工程,2015级

The opportunity to see all of the churches and experience firsthand ancient Roman and Gothic architecture was truly astounding.
